Conferences & Symposium
June 26, 2024 9:00 AM
June 27, 2024 4:00 PM

The International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) and The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) are pleased to announce that they will be presenting a joint Mass Appraisal Valuation Symposium. The theme of the virtual MAVS is “Challenges and Opportunities”.

Sponsorship Details: Available here

Symposium Flyer: Available here

Registration Fees in USD:

IAAO / IPTI Member Fee: USD $219 | Non-member Fee: USD $284

Registration Fees in CAD:

IAAO / IPTI Member Fee: CAD $295 + HST | Non-member Fee: CAD $385 + HST

To pay registration/sponsorship fees by wire transfer or in case of any question, contact Lidia Konet at


Sponsorship Application Form: Available here

2024 MAVS Sponsorship

2024 MAVS Sponsorship
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June 20, 2024 11:30 AM
June 20, 2024 1:00 PM

This webinar will identify and clarify the differences between excess and surplus land. The panelist will discuss the effect these differences have on calculating value using the income approach to value. The audience will gain an understanding of how to identify surplus or excess land and how to accurately estimate the value of each considering local zoning bylaws and the shape and placement of the structures on the land.

Session Flyer: Available here

CPD: 1.5 Learning Credits

Register Here

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June 18, 2024 11:00 AM
June 18, 2024 12:30 PM

Provides an understanding of the key steps for exploratory data analysis as part of the mass appraisal process. Topics include measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, graphical analysis, data errors and anomalies, outlier identification.

Full Details: Available Here

CPD Credits from IMA and RICS: 1.5 Learning (each organization)

Registration: Available here


  • Participants who have registered for the complete series but were unable to attend earlier webinars will be provided with links to access the recorded sessions.
  • Webinar recordings will be available one week after the date of the webinar. Attendees will be provided a copy of the recording upon request.
  • In case of any questions, please contact
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June 18, 2024 11:00 AM
June 18, 2024 12:30 PM

Provides the attendees with an understanding of how multiple regression analysis is used in mass appraisal, highlighting the model specification and calibration process. The topics covered include defining a model, overview of multiple regression analysis, data transformations, various types of model calibration and key regression statistics and an overview of additive, multiplicative and nonlinear models

Full Details: Available Here

CPD Credits from IMA and RICS: 1.5 Learning (each organization)

Registration details coming soon


  • Participants who have registered for the complete series but were unable to attend earlier webinars will be provided with links to access the recorded sessions.
  • Webinar recordings will be available one week after the date of the webinar. Attendees will be provided a copy of the recording upon request.
  • In case of any questions, please contact
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May 22, 2024 11:00 AM
May 22, 2024 12:30 PM

Provides a thorough understanding of the data requirements essential to support a successful mass appraisal. Topics include the importance of accurate data, different types of data, sample vs population data, data requirements for the three approaches to value, data sources and alternative data collection tools.

Full Details: Available Here

CPD Credits from IMA and RICS: 1.5 Learning (each organization)

Registration details coming soon

Note: Webinarrecordings will be available upon request. Webinar recordings will be availableone week after the date of the webinar
In case of any questions, please contact

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May 15, 2024 11:30 AM
May 15, 2024 1:00 PM

Care homes cover a wide range of property types. This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the different types of care homes, evolving trends in care home design and how each are valued for property assessment purposes. Participants will gain an understanding of industry specific terminology, legislative differences, and subsidies provided by governments. The webinar will look at developing a proforma valuations for various care home types including funding formulas, expense ratios and developing capitalization rates.

Session Flyer: Available here

CPD: 1.5 Learning Credits

Register Here

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May 7, 2024 9:30 AM
May 7, 2024 3:30 PM

The management of property tax portfolios is very complex and challenging. With the rising property tax burden, the number of management challenges is also increasing. Corporate managers need to deal with multiple sources of information, the lack of standardization and consistency, complex valuation issues, litigation, and also effectively communicating with internal and external stakeholders.

This one-day workshop will include experience-sharing and interactive discussions.

Session Leaders: Jerry Grad, CEO, IPTI and Marc Sances, SVP, Real Estate Taxes, Prologis

Workshop Flyer: Available here


The workshop is free of charge for IPTI CAC Members.

The workshop is also open to corporate representatives. Registration Fee is $95.00 US/pp (The fee includes workshop material and lunch. Accommodation is not included.)

Registration details for non-members below. Contact for more details.

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April 30, 2024 11:00 AM
April 30, 2024 12:30 PM

Outlines the critical role the valuer plays in the mass appraisal process by having a clear understanding of the population of data through statistical analysis of the supply. Topics covered will include the need to understand relevant market factors influencing value for various property types, the need importance of property stratification of data and appropriate data edit checks and process control check to be performed to maximize quality of data to be analyzed.

Full Details: Available Here

CPD Credits from IMA and RICS: 1.5 Learning (each organization)

Registration details below:

Participants who have registered for the complete series but were unable to attend earlier webinars will be provided with links to access the recorded sessions.

Note: Webinar recordings will be available upon request. Webinar recordings will be available one week after the date of the webinar
In case of any questions, please contact

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April 17, 2024 11:30 AM
April 17, 2024 1:00 PM

Any interest in real estate that is capable of generating income can be valued using the direct capitalization approach. This requires an appropriate derivation of the capitalization rate. Depending on the quantity and quality of available data, there are various techniques used. This webinar will cover the challenges assessors and valuators face in deriving capitalization rates in the application of the direct capitalization methodology. Emphasis will be given to derivation of the rates from comparable sales. As well, data requirements and practical application of the methodology will be discussed.

Session Flyer: Available here

CPD: 1.5 Learning Credits

Register Here

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March 27, 2024 11:00 AM
March 27, 2024 12:30 PM

Provides a general introduction to mass appraisal. Topics covered include mass appraisal vs single property appraisal, computer-assisted mass appraisal(CAMA), mass appraisal and the three approaches to value, steps in the mass appraisal process, measuring mass appraisal performance, technology and skills required.

Full Details: Available Here

CPD Credits from IMA and RICS: 1.5 Learning (each organization)

Registration details below:

Early Bird Discount: Use Code MAVSeries2024 to avail additional 15% discount (Valid till March 8)

For payments in any other currency or in case of any questions, please contact

Note: Webinar recordings will be available upon request. Webinar recordings will be available one week after the date of the webinar.

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March 21, 2024 11:30 AM
March 21, 2024 1:00 PM

This webinar will focus on the current trends and factors affecting multi-residential properties today. Participants will obtain a better understanding of the fundamentals and principles in valuing multi-residential properties. The panelist will discuss the effects of rent control on valuation for property tax purposes. Participants will gain an understanding of the various valuation techniques looking at the direct capitalization and the gross rent multiplier valuation approaches as well as the determination of rents and expense allowances.

Session Flyer: Available here

CPD: 1.5 Learning Credits

Register Here

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February 22, 2024 11:30 AM
February 22, 2024 1:00 PM

Many assessing jurisdictions are required to determine a market or current value for property assessment purposes. In addition to determining market value many jurisdictions are also challenged with ensuring the market value is fair and equitable with the treatment of similar property. This webinar will look at the role equity has in property assessment valuations, current case law and how courts are interpreting the definition of equity. The panelists will also discuss the role a valuer plays when an equity argument is raised.

Session Flyer: Available here

CPD: 1.5 Learning Credits

Register Here

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